August 09, 2007

How Much Water Do You Really Need & What Type?

Water plays a fundamental role in our existence and our health, which is why it is so important to know how much water you need. The latest research shows that drinking just eight glasses of water daily can decrease the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent; bladder cancer by 50 percent and it can potentially even reduce the risk of breast cancer. Experts say that eight glasses of water daily should be the goal for everyone, however some people may need more. Some experts believe that water consumption should be more like 10-12 glasses and for optimal benefits 14-16 glasses daily. Remember caffeinated drinks should not be counted towards your daily water intake as they actually cause the body to excrete water.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Try drinking one glass of water every one to two hours for one week and jot down your results! Want to share your story? We are waiting to hear from you, email us (

What kind of water should you be drinking?

There are many different forms of water available for consumption with today’s technology. It is important to understand the benefits of each to ensure that you are drinking the right amount and the right type of water. Below is the list of the most popular water options available and explanations of how they benefit your health.

Ionized water
What is it?
Water treated with electrolysis to remove acidic particles, such as sodium, calcium, iron, copper, chloride and bromide. The water has been purified from most impurities except organic compounds.


  • Acts as a natural antioxidant
  • Helps with the body’s natural oxygen production
  • Stabilizes body’s acid/alkaline balance – balancing the body’s pH
  • The molecular structure of ionized water is smaller, which allows for easier passage into the cells and tissues
  • Used externally, ionized water is beneficial for healthy skin, hair and scalp

Distilled water
What is it?
Water that has been heated to a boiling point eliminating impurities from the water as it vaporizes. Through a distiller, the vapor water is then cooled to become pure liquid water while the impurities such as the metals, ions, minerals, and contaminants are disposed of.

  • Helps to flush out impurities from the body
  • Allows the proper “flushing” of the blood through the kidneys, not having to have to deal with other impurities found in un-distilled water.
  • No impurities, just pure H2O
  • Acts as a solvent in the body by dissolving nutrients so they can be assimilated by the cell
  • Collects “rejected” minerals and flushes them out as waste

Filtered water
What is it?
Water that has been filtered through a carbon based filter to remove chemical agents such as chlorine.

  • Ensures that only organic minerals are retained in the water
  • Helps to remove synthetic compounds, which turn into vapor at relatively low temperatures leading to toxins in the body if not removed
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