November 29, 2007

The skinny on holiday weight gain…

Fortunately, just thinking about holiday cookies, cheesecake, honey-glazed ham and egg nog can’t make you gain weight, however we all like to indulge a little during this time of year. You don’t have to completely deny yourself, you just need to be smart about countering all the “bad” foods with good nutrition.

The Solution: Antioxidants and Portion Control

Have you ever heard about “The French Paradox”? This refers to findings indicating that although the French consume some of the richest foods in the world, the population as a whole is much more slender than Americans. The French Paradox starts with two phenomenons – the high consumption of red wine polyphenols and the other is portion control. “Even though the French eat more fat than Americans, they probably eat slightly fewer calories, which when compounded over years can amount to substantial differences in weight”, said Paul Rozin, professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Though as a society we are eating less fat then the French but we’re also eating about 25 percent larger serving sizes. Next time you are at the buffet table and you want to taste the array of foods just take a bite size – you’ll satisfy every taste bud and lower your chances of battling the bulge in January.

Where do the antioxidants come from in wine?

Red wine contains powerful polyphenols and flavonoids that have a variety of health benefits – promoting healthy cholesterol levels, inhibiting hardening of arterial walls and boosting immunity. Also in that glass of wine you have the skin and seeds of grapes. The skins and seeds are highly concentrated with proanthocyanidins – what has come to be known as the most potent form of antioxidants.

Fusion: Why it's your antioxidant solution!

Fusion combines world renown ingredients from the most exotic places in the world that have been using such ingredients for thousands of years for longevity and good health. One of these revolutionary ingredients is grape seed extract – a subclass of proanthocyanidins originating in France. Grape seed extract has been extensively researched and continuously utilized source of antioxidants to help in the strengthening of the veins, arteries, capillaries, nerve endings and even sugar management.

Green Tea has been traditionally used in Asia for centuries promoting and array of health benefits to the body ranging from healthy skin and weight loss to immune enhancing and supporting a healthy cardiovascular system. This is such an important ingredient to the health of our bodies today that we included this in both our Fusion and Radiance formulas. Everyday more and more exciting research is uncovered demonstrating great promise in benefiting the health of our teeth and providing antibacterial properties. Much more research is needed in these new discoveries but the documented studies are extensive.

Fusion is a great addition to any detoxification, weight-management and healthy aging program. For more details click here!

Antioxidants are a useful tool in the fight against premature aging of our bodies. To learn more about grape seed extract, green tea or other important antioxidants please visit the National Center For Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

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